Reiki is a form of healing and stress relief through transferring what is known as universal energy. It is used for both emotional and physical issues. Many people have different experiences. The practice of Reiki was started in Japan as alternative medicine. 

Thank you for taking time to learn more about Reiki.

If you’re ready to experience your own personal journey to enlightenment, schedule your Reiki session now as they fill up fast.

Hawayo Takata

Hawayo Takata Is the founding Reiki master who brought her practice to the United States from Japan. She spread awareness of the practice of alternative healing and is very much accredited for making it well known around the states.

Dr. Mikao Usui

Dr. Usui, who developed the methods of self healing Reiki and transfer healing Reiki is what is commonly practiced today. This is the Reiki healing that you will receive at Moonlight River Reiki.

Why Do Individuals Come and Seek Reiki Sessions?

All sorts of reasons for seeking out Reiki treatments. Some people do Reiki to blog about their sessions or progress with emotional healing, while other seek it out for is alternative medicine in individuals who have cancer. It has been proven to help many people that have had a go around with the illness but it should never be in replacement of professional medical care (can be an additional thing but not replacement). Reiki is good for all things and allowing your mind to relax and heal itself is very important for its structure. Think about the mind as a computer if you have 100 taps open and never let it shut down, mistreat it, and never give it virus protection or any care, it will fail you. Reiki is also good for depression, feeling of disconnection, anger, general anxiety, codependency, fear based anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, and constipation. 

Every time you book a Reiki session, you are telling your mind “I care about myself” and that you are willing to address the issues at hand. There are many reasons why one should schedule a Reiki session and do not. Some personalities are far too negative to admit they need help. “Nothing is wrong with them” “what bad mood, I am not in a bad mood.” and they are right they are not in a bad mood but in a broken state of mind caused by an imbalance in their energy. Reiki is energy healing, we do away with negative energies. For some people who have been living in a constant negative energy there is almost a fear of getting rid of it. It is true, the saying “Misery loves company” and the negative energy will try to hold on to its host. 

Being a Reiki master does not mean that an individual has to be perfect all the time. It means you have reached a state of enlightenment where not everything bothers you. There will still be good days and bad days but upon becoming a Reiki master, you received the master atonement. Your energy could drastically change and your interest level in experiencing more things may increase. As a Reiki master you must practice a 21 day sacrifice. During classes you are informed never to share the Reiki master sign, nor any of the Reiki I or Reiki II symbols publicly or display them. Anyone who shares those is most likely a fraud and has never received the master atonement. Individuals claiming to be a Reiki I or II practitioner do not posses the same expertise as Reiki masters and they are recommended as they are rarely qualified nor experienced.

Learning More About…

‘Reiki is not witchcraft. It is an art of mediation. Often confused with new age. Reiki is not witchcraft, it is the transferring of energy. This is a mediation practice not witchcraft. It is scientifically proven to help people and is practiced on cancer patients. It is a common thought when you decide to die in your mind your body responds to the will not to live. Reiki is the transfer of energy. Like a priest would do an exorcism on a person that is “possessed” Reiki is the cleansing of negative energy. 

Some people combine Reiki with their other practices like tarot cards and things of that nature. At Moonlight River Reiki you may see tarot cards but they are only for design and you will not be getting your cards read. 

The crystals are for drawing energy and visual brain stimulation. Certain colors are scientifically known to improve different functions of the brain. Some of the crystal energy practices are not only from Japan but seen in Native American Cultures. In native American Cultures they did have medicine women/ and men that practiced what is believed as a form of Reiki known as shamanic. It was believed to give them inner wisdom and complement nature as well.