There are different rocks for different purposes or Chakras. Chakra means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Here’s a list of recommend rocks and the Chakra that they can help.

Amethyst or Clear Quartz

Can help if you believe you are having problems with your crown.

Star Sapphire

Know as the Third Eye Chakra, these rocks are said to enhance wisdom and luck.

Blue Kyanite

Can help If there is a feeling your throat Chakra is blocked.


For the sacral Chakra.

Yellow Citrine

This rock helps with the solar plexus Chakra. It has to do with self esteem and many individuals that come for Reiki do have this Chakra out of balance. It is suggest to get a very large sized rock.

Rose Quartz or Green Tourmaline

The rose quartz can help for the heart Chakra. But if you find rose quarts does not work for you, try the green tourmaline instead. Many people struggle to feel anything in an energy vibration.

Hematite or Smokey Quartz

Both rocks can help with the root Chakra. Although other Reiki masters would suggest Ruby or Red Jasper, but they can have little to no vibration.


Another wise choice to help with the root Chakra.